These two. Sigh. Looking back at these photos, one whole year later (plus a couple weeks), it has changed my whole perspective on this shoot! In this last year, I’ve had the pleasure of watching them become parents to the wonderful Felix; good times, bad times, messy times (aka, most of the time) and everything in between. Syringe feeding, cloth diapering, baby led weaning, breast feeding struggles, nap strikes, scooting, climbing, hair-pulling, giggles, velociraptor squeals, “kisses” aka trying to eat my nose, meltdowns about nothing, sheer terror when it comes to clapping, hatred of tummy time, love of tummy time, fights against poor Tigger – It has been so incredibly cool watching their journey. We had so much fun during this session, chatting about Meg’s pregnancy, wondering what Felix would be like, when we’d get to meet him and their hopes and dreams for this teeny little person. Mr. Felix, you have exceeded expectations! It’s crazy to think that Mr. F was in there, wiggling and kicking and probably rolling his eyes at how nerdy we were being; if not (he did sleep a little, in between kicks and flips), he certainly has made up for lost time since! He is the sweetest little boy and full of the best parts of each of them; he is determined and strong-willed like Brian, and loving and curious like dear Meg. I feel so honored to be able not only to document Meg and Brian’s love in their last days before becoming parents, but also to count them as friends, ones who have taught me and given me the opportunity to feel a new kind of love! And Mr. F, if you’re reading this (if the internet still exists when you are old enough to), I adore you and you are a wonderful human. You give me so much hope, and bring me so much joy. Thank you for tolerating me.