Blogging is kind of like eating vegetables. I know I should do it more often, but whenever I find a way to avoid it, I manage to. Seems silly, because when I’m finally post something, I’m totally pumped because I get to relive the joy and energy of each session. This one was no exception – Cierra and Ricky are adorable, and we had the a lovely sun-soaked afternoon wandering around the loop last July, including a random and chance encounter with our friend Connor (aka Ginge) – check out his cameo toward the bottom. I would say I’m excited for their wedding, but it already happened and it was AMAZING. Like, pinch me type incredible. The Prices will always have a special place in my heart (and my portfolio 😉 ) because of the role they had in kicking my butt into gear as far as starting this here business – they were looking for a wedding photographer and after Cierra and I chatted about it and I thought back on the several wonderful weddings I had already shot, I realized that I wanted to make it official, bare my soul to the world and launch NSP. Cierra and Ricky have had my back from day one, and I will always, always be grateful for their trust and faith in my work, their willingness to give me the opportunity to capture their big day and their love and support! But, I digress. These two are amazing people, an amazing couple, and made an amazingly adorable little human, to boot. Oh, and they’re nasty stinkin’ badass cute. Watching them interact, you can tell that they share a deep and meaningful connection, but also have a lot of fun together, despite whatever life throws their way – and that, my friends, is a big deal. Enjoy this beautiful engagement-y goodness, and keep an eye out for their wedding on this here blog v. soon!!